Outdoors for Everyone
Open Water Swimming
Milton Country Park is a beautiful open water swimming venue. We are NOWCA affiliated and provide the highest standards of safety, with cover on the bank and water for all our sessions.
Please not swimming is not permitted in the lakes outside of organised sessions.
Our water quality is checked regularly, our latest certificate of bathing quality water can be found here
**We have a suspected blue/green algae outbreak on Todd's Pit. Friday and Saturday swim sessions will move to Deep Pool**
Our Current Water Temperature: 22°C
24th August 2024
Public Sessions
Public swim sessions are operated through NOWCA. For the best prices, please book through the ACTiO app or at https://actio.nowca.org/venue/320
Our Open Water Swim season starts on 1st April. Our sessions are open to everyone. U16s please contact the office to ask about additional safety rules for young swimmers.
Fridays 5:30pm-6:15pm/6.15pm-7:00pm
Saturday 7:30am-08:15am/8:15am-9:00am
On Deep pool we swim a circular course ~100m in length
Tow Floats are now mandatory for all swimmers.
Please remember to swim responsibly and be mindful of others.
Please remember Deep Pool is a 10-15 min walk from the car park so please arrive in good time to make your way to the get in - this is different from last year at https://w3w.co/face.fees.posed
Mindful Swim
Our Mindful Swim sessions take place on Deep Pool. These are 45 min sessions swimming a gentle loop around this serene, sheltered venue. Ideal for those wanting a relaxing swim at their own pace.
Swim Induction
We offer a free, short land based venue introduction several times a year. This is not mandatory but is recommended for new swimmers. Those wishing to swim with Val afterwards should book through NOWCA.
Next Session : 27th April
Anyone who is new to Open Water Swimming should check out our coached sessions for Pool to Lake cold water induction courses.
Full Moon Swims​
Come and swim on our lovely lake at on summer nights with a full moon.
There is a mandatory pre-session briefing and you will be asked to wear glow sticks on your swim hat to assist with safety cover. All usual swim rules will apply.
Friday 21st June 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Sunday 21st July 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Monday 19th August 8:00pm - 9:00pm Cancelled
If you are a NOWCA member, please book using ACTIO
Swim Coaching​
We offer a range of options for those looking to improve their outdoor swimming. From introduction to cold water to 1:1 coaching sessions. Please see our Swim Coaching page for more details.
Private Hire​
We are open to private hire by swim groups wanting to run their sessions in a safe environment. Please email mcp@cambridgesportlakes.org.uk for more informaiton.